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  1. Routine vaccination programme against COVID-19

    Three years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a large proportion of the Dutch population has developed immunity through ...

    Advisory report | 28-06-2023

  2. Pneumococcal vaccination of children (2023)

    A pneumococcal infection can cause serious illness. Vaccination has been offered to children for some time. They are currently ...

    Advisory report | 20-06-2023

  3. Pneumococcal vaccination of the elderly (2023)

    A pneumococcal infection can cause serious illness. Vaccination has been offered to the elderly since 2020 with the ...

    Advisory report | 20-06-2023

  4. Guideline for the classification of carcinogenic substances

    The Health Council evaluates the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of substances to which workers can be exposed in the workplace. ...

    Other | 19-06-2023

  5. Population Screening Act: Tomosynthesis in the national breast cancer screening programme

    The health screening organisation Bevolkingsonderzoek Nederland, in collaboration with Radboud University Medical Centre ...

    Advisory report | 30-03-2023

  6. BCG vaccination and COVID-19; follow-up advisory report

    Since late 2020, COVID-19 vaccines have been available that have proven effective in protecting against severe disease. At the ...

    Advisory report | 29-03-2023

  7. Employee vaccination: flu

    For most people, catching the flu is not serious, but it can be serious for people in high-risk groups. These people are offered ...

    Advisory report | 28-03-2023

  8. Committee to develop scientific framework for binding Occupational Biomonitoring Levels

    Occupational biomonitoring (OB) and occupational biomonitoring levels (OBL) increasingly play a role in the European context in ...

    Other | 22-03-2023

  9. Press release Biotechnology trend analysis 2023

    Advisory report | 21-03-2023

  10. Biotechnology Trend Analysis 2023. A call for vision, decision and direction.

    Developments in biotechnology are advancing at a breathtaking pace. The potential benefits are enormous: biotechnology can make a ...

    Advisory report | 21-03-2023