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  1. COVID-19 vaccination for young children belonging to clinical risk groups

    The Health Council recommends COVID-19 vaccination for children between 5 and 11 years of age who are at higher risk of ...

    News item | 03-12-2021 | 17:00

  2. Dutch dietary guidelines also apply to people with type 2 diabetes

    The Dutch dietary guidelines are also a sound basis for a healthy, varied diet for people with type 2 diabetes. This is the ...

    News item | 16-11-2021 | 14:00

  3. Self-sampling kit and smear test are equalivent

    The Health Council recommends that all women who are invited to undergo population screening for cervical cancer should be free ...

    News item | 19-10-2021 | 06:00

  4. Flu shot for pregnant women protects infants

    Newborns can be protected from serious complications of influenza by vaccinating the mother during pregnancy. The Health Council ...

    News item | 20-09-2021 | 13:30

  5. Reduce ultrafine particles emissions to protect health

    There are more and more indications that ultrafine particles can be harmful to health. For that reason, the Health Council of the ...

    News item | 15-09-2021 | 10:00

  6. Use of apps for public health requires careful consideration

    Responsible use of apps for public health purposes requires fairly balancing the benefits against the burdens. Hereto, existing ...

    News item | 07-07-2021 | 13:00

  7. Permit for 13-week ultrasound scan

    The regional centres for prenatal screening want to investigate using structural ultrasound scans during the first trimester of ...

    News item | 30-06-2021 | 10:00

  8. Vaccinate all newborns against rotavirus

    Vaccinate all newborn children against rotavirus, rather than at-risk children alone, recommends the Health Council in a recent ...

    News item | 30-06-2021 | 10:00

  9. Revised dietary reference values for pregnant women

    The Health Council of the Netherlands has revised the dietary reference values for vitamins and minerals for pregnant women. ...

    News item | 22-06-2021 | 09:00

  10. Dietary recommendations for pregnant women

    Eating a healthy and varied diet is also important during pregnancy. The Health Council of the Netherlands emphasizes the ...

    News item | 22-06-2021 | 09:00