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139 news items

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  1. Recommendation for a classification: pyridine suspected to be carcinogenic

    The Health Council recommends classifying the substance pyridine as suspected to be carcinogenic to man. This corresponds with ...

    News item | 29-08-2023 | 09:00

  2. Employees who are regularly bitten by ticks should be vaccinated against TBE

    People who are regularly bitten by ticks in the course of their work should be offered vaccination against tick-borne ...

    News item | 24-08-2023 | 09:00

  3. Health-based recommended occupational exposure level for rubber dusts and rubber fumes

    Currently, it is not possible to derive a health-based recommended occupational exposure level for rubber dusts and rubber fumes. ...

    News item | 03-07-2023 | 10:00

  4. Launch of a routine vaccination programme against COVID-19 this autumn

    The Health Council recommends launching a routine vaccination programme against COVID-19 this autumn under which, as of now, ...

    News item | 28-06-2023 | 10:00

  5. Use of new pneumococcal vaccines for children and the elderly

    Various pneumococcal vaccines are available for both children and people over the age of 60. The Health Council recommends using ...

    News item | 20-06-2023 | 09:00

  6. Permit for study into tomosynthesis in breast cancer screening

    The Health Council has recommended that the Minister for Health, Welfare and Sport grant a permit for a study into the use of ...

    News item | 30-03-2023 | 09:00

  7. BCG vaccination will not be used against COVID-19

    Based on the current state of scientific knowledge, the Health Council sees no reason to use the tuberculosis vaccine (Bacillus ...

    News item | 29-03-2023 | 09:00

  8. Vaccinating certain groups of employees against the flu

    Certain groups of employees should be offered vaccination against the flu by their employer. This was the recommendation made by ...

    News item | 28-03-2023 | 09:00

  9. Health Council of the Netherlands launches Committee on Framework for binding Occupational Biomonitoring Levels

    The Health Council of the Netherlands initiated the work upon request by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment to develop ...

    News item | 22-03-2023 | 16:00

  10. Urgent decisions needed on biotechnology benefits

    The Netherlands is ill prepared for the rapid developments taking place in biotechnology and is missing out on opportunities to ...

    News item | 21-03-2023 | 17:00