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  1. A healthy protein transition

    A shift towards a diet with more plant-based proteins and fewer animal-based proteins is better for the environment and healthier ...

    Advisory report | 13-12-2023

  2. Preconception carrier screening

    The Health Council of the Netherlands recommends pilot research to determine whether preconception carrier screening could be ...

    Advisory report | 15-11-2023

  3. Comments on draft report Tricresylphosphate and response Health Council

    Other | 13-11-2023

  4. Tricresylphosphate: Evaluation of the effects on reproduction, recommendation for classification

    Tricresylphosphate (TCP) is used as a flame retardant in polystyrene and other thermoplastics, as a PVC plasticiser, lubricant ...

    Advisory report | 13-11-2023

  5. The 14-day rule in the Dutch Embryo Act

    The Health Council of the Netherlands recommends that the 14-day rule for embryo research be extended to a 28-day rule. The Dutch ...

    Advisory report | 31-10-2023

  6. Work programme 2024

    Each year the Health Council of the Netherlands draws up a work programme containing an overview of the issues that will form the ...

    Other | 19-09-2023

  7. Comments on draft report Pyridine and response Health Council

    Other | 29-08-2023

  8. Pyridine; Evaluation of the carcinogenicity and genotoxicity

    Pyridine is used as a chemical intermediate in the production of amongst others pesticides, pharmaceuticals, textile water ...

    Advisory report | 29-08-2023

  9. Employee vaccination: tick-borne encephalitis

    People who are regularly bitten by ticks in the course of their work should be offered vaccination against tick-borne ...

    Advisory report | 24-08-2023

  10. Rubber dusts and rubber fumes

    Exposure in the manufacturing industry is considered to be carcinogenic. Since the composition of rubber dusts and rubber fumes ...

    Advisory report | 03-07-2023