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  1. Monitoring programme for exposure to chemicals

    The exposure of Dutch citizens to chemicals is estimated instead of monitored. Consequently, the government has insufficient ...

    Advisory report | 25-04-2024

  2. Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia is an important health problem that needs to be recognised. This is the opinion set out by the Health Council in an ...

    Advisory report | 19-03-2024

  3. Opportunities for improvement of the breast cancer population screening programme

    The Health Council concludes that adjustments to the Dutch breast cancer screening programme will not improve outcomes at this ...

    Advisory report | 12-03-2024

  4. Comments on draft report Carbon monoxide and response Health Council

    Other | 09-03-2024

  5. Immunisation against RSV in the first year of life

    The Health Council recommends offering protection against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) to all children in their first year ...

    Advisory report | 14-02-2024

  6. Fitness to drive of people with haemophilia and other coagulation disorders

    The Health Council of the Netherlands advises scrapping the medical examination for drivers with haemophilia and other ...

    Advisory report | 30-01-2024

  7. Asbestos exposure via tap water

    Very low concentrations of asbestos fibres are found in Dutch tap water. According to the Health Council, this does not pose any ...

    Advisory report | 23-01-2024

  8. Revised assessment framework for vaccinations

    The Health Council's Standing Committee on Vaccinations advises on the provision of vaccinations in vaccination programmes, such ...

    Other | 21-12-2023

  9. A healthy protein transition

    A shift towards a diet with more plant-based proteins and fewer animal-based proteins is better for the environment and healthier ...

    Advisory report | 13-12-2023

  10. Preconception carrier screening

    The Health Council of the Netherlands recommends pilot research to determine whether preconception carrier screening could be ...

    Advisory report | 15-11-2023