Medical fitness-to-drive of persons with tumours or cerebrovascular disease

This report relates to the medical fitness of people with tumours or cerebrovascular disease to drive motor vehicles. It proposes a change to the current rules, the Regeling eisen geschiktheid 2000 (Fitness Criteria Regulations 2000). In the case of people with brain tumours the prognosis and any functional impairments are the criteria for fitness to drive. In the case of people with cerebrovascular disease the proposal is based on the risk of recurrence and the risk of other disorders, as well as any functional impairments. The proposal is likely to result in more patients with tumours or cerebrovascular disease being assessed as fit to drive on group 1 driving licences (cars and motorcycles); in the case of group 2 licences (heavy goods vehicles) it is generally somewhat more ’stringent’ than the current rules.